What is animal physic reading and energy healing?
As an experienced therapist, I view animal psychic communication and energy healing as a profound and intuitive connection between humans and animals.
Animal communication involves tapping into the unique language of animals, allowing me to understand their thoughts, feelings, and needs beyond words. This form of communication is often intuitive, utilizing telepathy to receive images, emotions, and sensations directly from the animal. By fostering this connection, I can help owners gain deeper insights into their pets’ behaviours and emotional states, enhancing the bond between them.
Energy healing, on the other hand, is about balancing and harmonizing the animal’s energy field to promote overall well-being. This practice can involve techniques like Reiki, where I channel healing energy to address physical ailments or emotional distress. Animals are incredibly receptive to this healing, often responding positively as their energy aligns, leading to relaxation and a greater sense of peace.
Together, these approaches create a holistic experience that nurtures both the animal and the owner, fostering understanding and enhancing the overall quality of life.
What is it like to have a conversation with your pet?
As an animal therapist communicator, I connect telepathically with the animal by entering a calm, meditative state and setting a clear intention to communicate. I receive messages through images, emotions, thoughts, or sensations that the animal shares with me, and I can also send back reassurance or healing energy. This process is quiet, intuitive, and tailored to each animal, reflecting their unique personality and needs.
Telepathic communication between an animal and me is a subtle, intuitive, and multi-sensory process. Here’s how it typically unfolds:
Preparation and grounding
Before I begin, I enter a calm, meditative state to clear my mind and prepare to receive telepathic messages. This allows me to be fully present and open to the animal’s energy. I focus on grounding myself and setting the intention to connect with the animal, ensuring I’m receptive to what they wish to share.
Setting the intention
When I reach out to an animal, I always do so with clear intention. I silently introduce myself to them and ask for permission to communicate. It’s like an energetic handshake, allowing the animal to feel comfortable and safe. Often, I’ll explain why I’m connecting—whether it’s to offer healing, understand their behaviour, or address any emotional or physical concerns and challenges. Animals are very intuitive, and they respond easily to this form of non-verbal connection.
Receiving messages (telepathic exchange)
The communication itself is a two-way flow of information.
Once the connection is made, I begin receiving messages in different forms, depending on how the animal prefers to communicate:
Images (clairvoyance)
Many times, I receive images from the animal in my mind’s eye . They might show me scenes from their life, their favourite place, or visual symbols that express their feelings. These images help me understand their experiences and emotions.
Feelings and emotions (clairsentience)
I often pick up on the animal’s emotions or physical sensations. I may feel joy, fear, anxiety, confusion or even physical discomfort as they communicate how they are feeling. For example, if an animal is in pain, I may feel a sensation in the part of my body that corresponds to their discomfort. The emotions can range from subtle moods to intense feelings, depending on the situation.
Thoughts and words (clairaudience)
I hear messages in the form of words, thoughts, or phrases. This comes through as internal dialogue, where the animal shares a thought like, “I’m tired” or “I miss my owner.”
Sensory impressions
In addition to thoughts and feelings, I might also experience physical sensations, smells, or even tastes. If an animal feels cold, I might sense that chill. If they’re hungry, I might experience a similar sensation. These sensory impressions give me a deeper understanding of what the animal is going through.
Sending messages
Just as I receive messages, I can also send them. I might send images, thoughts, or healing energy to the animal, helping them feel reassured or understood. Animals are highly receptive to these forms of communication and often respond with relaxation or further dialogue.
For example, if the animal is anxious about a medical procedure, I might send calming energy or show them a mental picture of what will happen to reduce fear. Animals are often very receptive to these energetic or emotional transmissions, and they usually respond with either relaxation or further communication.
Interpreting the animal’s personality
Each animal has a unique personality, and this shapes the way they communicate with me. Some animals are very chatty and expressive, while others are more reserved, sharing only short bursts of information or primarily through feelings. An older dog might share wisdom and calmness, while a playful kitten might convey lighthearted energy and curiosity. I adjust my approach based on their individual character and style of communication.
Closing the communication
When the session is coming to a close, I always thank the animal for their time and willingness to communicate with me. I gently close the connection, allowing the animal to disengage on their own terms. Afterward, I’ll share the insights and messages I received with the pet’s owner, along with any guidance or recommendations that came through during our conversation.
After the session
Often, animals show signs of calmness or subtle behaviour changes after our telepathic communication and energy healing. They may seem more relaxed, affectionate, or display a shift in their energy. These changes can happen immediately or over time, depending on the depth of the healing or communication that took place.
Telepathic communication with animals is an intuitive, quiet, and deeply personal experience. It’s not just about “talking” but rather a holistic exchange that involves emotions, thoughts, sensations, and imagery. While some animals communicate more clearly than others, the process is always respectful and deeply connected to the animal’s needs and state of being.